Thursday, January 29, 2009

Money Saving Meal Planning

Money Saving Mom has a guest post about how to save money by meal-planning.

I agree with a lot of what she has to say, especially when she outlines some of the benefits of meal planning:
You save time and money at the grocer when you do go shopping, because you’ve got a plan!

You spend far less dining out or picking up takeout.

I do my meal planning a little differently, as is outlined by my November meal plan experiment. I made a list of about 15 dinners, based on what I had in my freezer. I tried to pick days on the calendar to make them, but my minor OCD rose to the surface and I couldn't do it. So instead, I just put the list of meals on the refrigerator next to my calendar of the month, and wrote them in as I went along. It actually worked out quite well.

The article is definitely worth reading!

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